This course helps people recover from respiratory conditions and manage their fatigue, stress and anxiety. It is NHS approved and guided by professional tutors.
Bite-sized, easy to understand and easy to watch videos to help you manage COPD.
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This series of films will help you understand more about COPD - whether you've had the condition for a long time or been recently diagnosed.
The films will help you really understand what COPD is and give practical advice on how to reduce the risk of exacerbations, to use your inhalers more effectively and to make sure you get the most out of life.
We've interviewed a wide range of experts who'll give you the information you need to take control of your COPD.
There’s a lot you can do to make life easier. If you watch these films we hope you'll cope better with breathlessness and have fewer flare-ups.
The films are grouped into a few categories. Use them how you want and consider watching the ones that matter to you more than once. Knowledge is power.
Understanding COPD and Getting Started
Exacerbations and Breathlessness
Getting the Best Out of Your Inhaler
Living Well with COPD
You can also register for free to our How to Live Well with COPD course. This course provides top quality advice and information in five modules, based around films. Easy to watch and understand, the course is engaging and effective. It will help you understand more about your condition and give you tips and techniques to help you live life to the full. Contributors include many of the UK’s leading respiratory specialists as well as expert patients.
Our mission is to improve the quality of life for people with long-term mental and physical health problems by educating them, their carers and their healthcare professionals about the most effective ways of managing their conditions.
Our vision is to bring practical, effective and credible information together in one place that will treat long term health as a complex and interconnected web of conditions and recognise that people with one condition may have other pressing needs.
This course helps people recover from respiratory conditions and manage their fatigue, stress and anxiety. It is NHS approved and guided by professional tutors.
Kingston Hospital has provided a Cancer Counselling Service for patients since 1995 and now with Macmillan Cancer Support is available 5 days a week from Monday to Friday.
We support people with heart disease and people who have been told that they are at a high risk of developing cardiovascular disease