This NHS service ensures that those affected by cancer have access to comprehensive, expert information and support.
Kingston Hospital has provided a Cancer Counselling Service for patients since 1995 and now with Macmillan Cancer Support is available 5 days a week from Monday to Friday.
Page last updated
Psychological distress is common amongst those with a diagnosis of cancer. It can have a devastating impact on a person’s quality of life as well as their family and carers. People with cancer face uncertainty, often challenging life adjustments, and may have to undergo unpleasant and sometimes debilitating treatments. This can result in psychological and emotional difficulties such as the following:
*Difficulty living with uncertainty
*Depression, anxiety and anger
*Distress about change and loss
*Difficulty adjusting to all the changes cancer brings
*Difficulty with relationships and/or sexual functioning
*Feeling a lack of self esteem and confidence
*Issues related to coming to terms with possible end-of-life
How do I access the service?
If you are experiencing any of the above and you would like to meet with one of our counsellors it is important that you raise your concerns with your clinical team. To be referred to the service, having discussed this with you, a healthcare professional in your clinical team will liaise with one of us and will also ask you to contact us on the telephone number supplied. If you feel you would like to see someone from our team but you have not been offered a referral, please feel free to speak to your healthcare team or the staff at the Macmillan Support and Information Service about this.
For more information please visit the website.
Kingston Hospital
Galsworthy Road
Kingston upon Thames
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This NHS service ensures that those affected by cancer have access to comprehensive, expert information and support.
Are you looking for support to help manage your weight? Kingston has a range of free programmes that can help you.
We offer advice, information and guidance by phone/email for those caring for someone with mental health difficulties. Monthly Peer-support group. 1:1 Face-to-face sessions are available each month on wards and community service at Tolworth Hospital.