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POhWER-Independent Health complaints advocacy is free, independent of the NHS and confidential. We can help you to use the NHS complaints process.

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What is this service?

POhWER advocacy service is free, confidential and independent to the NHS.

The Independent Heath Complaints Advocacy Service can help individuals make a complaint about a National Health Service (NHS), which covers all NHS funded treatment, this includes NHS hospitals, GP’s, Ambulance Services, District Nurses, Mental Health Services, Dentists, Pharmacists or Opticians.

Our advocates will:

• give individuals an opportunity to speak confidentially to someone who is independent of the NHS

• take time to listen to the individuals experience

• talk with the individual about what support they need to make their complaint

• give them information about the different ways that they can raise their concerns

• help them to think about what they would like to achieve from their complaint.

• help with writing letters of complaint

• attend meetings with them to support them with their complaint.

People want different outcomes when they complain which can include an apology, feeling listened to, an explanation or an improvement to NHS services. We do not encourage complaint but manage expectations and support individuals to be aware of their options to reach a realistic outcome where possible.

Anyone can ask for advocacy support with an NHS complaint by contacting us by the following ways:

Helpline: 0300 456 2370


Email [email protected]

Please click here to see where we provide Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Service in London

Good to know

What people say

I appreciate your support and knowing that someone was there for me throughout the process was great. Thank you for listening to me and helping me.