If you are aged between 60-74, and you are registered with a GP, you should be automatically invited to take part in the national bowel screening programme.
The screening programme is free to take part in and easy to complete. A kit will be automatically sent to you through the post to be completed in the comfort of your own home.
Once done, the kit can be free-posted back to the lab for testing, and both you and your GP will be sent a copy of the results.
If you are eligible for the test but have not received a kit, you can call the bowel screening helpline on 0800 707 6060 - where you can also take any queries or concerns.
If you're 75 or over, you can still ask for a kit every 2 years by phoning the above helpline.
NHS screening kits are not available for people under 60.
If you're too young for screening but are worried about a family history of bowel cancer, speak to a GP for advice. Always see a GP if you have symptoms of bowel cancer at any age – do not wait to have a screening test.
Bowel cancer is a common type of cancer in both men and women. About 1 in 20 people will get it during their lifetime.
Screening can help detect bowel cancer at an early stage, when it's easier to treat.
Visit the NHS website for all up-to-date info.