Help with any problems you might have at work.
Our Supported Employment service works with adult residents of the Royal Borough of Kingston with learning disabilities, autism, or mental health issues to take steps towards employment, training, or volunteering.
Page last updated
What we offer:
Preparing for work/volunteering
We will get to know you and talk about your skills
We will talk about what job you would like to have
We will help you to write a good CV
Job/volunteer searching
We will talk about what jobs interest you
We will show you the different ways to look for work and how to apply
We will help you prepare for interviews
If you don’t get the job, we’ll discuss what to improve for the next time
Support at work/volunteering
If you are offered a job, we will talk with your employer about your needs
We will make sure your new place of work will meet your needs
We will make a support plan so you know who you can contact for help
You help me get all the stuff I need to do done. You have been the biggest help. I wouldn’t have got this far without your help
Help with any problems you might have at work.
The Young Ladies Club helps disadvantaged young women. Our programmes are designed to help you reach your education and career goals.
The information on this page will help anyone looking for national resources to develop their digital and IT skills.