Take on this year's Adult Reading Challenge! Choose to read between one and three books each month from a list of 36 different categories.
Our website provides information on local services and support available for families, including children and young people aged 0 - 25 years, with special educational needs or disabilities
Page last updated
Information on local support
Information and advice services
Leisure and social activities
SEND support in schools
Post 16 education
SEND transport
Education, health and care plans (EHCP)
Money matters such as funding and grants
Special schools
Health services
Social care
Transition to adult services
Preparing for Adulthood
Training and employment for young people with SEND
Parenting and training courses
Support for parent/carers
Short breaks
All of this information and much more can be found on our website here: AfC SEND Local Offer
Take on this year's Adult Reading Challenge! Choose to read between one and three books each month from a list of 36 different categories.
The Young Ladies Club helps disadvantaged young women. Our programmes are designed to help you reach your education and career goals.
We offer physical, emotional and relationship wellbeing advice to school aged children.