Free and expert support and guidance. We also offer outreach to people and families in detention.
We are a team of partners from Kingston Wellbeing Service (Surbiton Health Centre), Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness and South West London & St. George’s NHS Mental Health Trust that offer drug and alcohol support for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
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What the team offers:
Drug and alcohol service: Kingston Wellbeing Service (KWS) offers one-to-one sessions with a key worker, group support, prescribing and residential detoxification and rehabilitation.
Mental health support: South West London & St George’s offer mental health advice for people using drugs and alcohol.
**Drop-in sessions: **
Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness (KCAH) has drop-in sessions at The Bridge.
Moving on Together offers a peer-led drop-in on Thursdays at 13:00-16:00 at Archway Parish.
**Additional support: **
The team is also linked with services that can help you with housing, benefits or your health.
Driving for Change offers twice monthly drop-in sessions to get a haircut, oral health advice, financial advice and more.
Free and expert support and guidance. We also offer outreach to people and families in detention.
We offer a warm and non-judgmental environment and our staff are committed to helping residents in all aspects of their lives focusing on mental health, physical wellbeing and education. We provide short-stay supported accommodation for a two-year period to get people back on their feet.
We offer advice to people on housing and benefits, statutory rights and accessing health services.