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Mind in Kingston Magpie project

The Magpie Project supports local Korean individuals and communities in around Kingston upon Thames. We have bilingual staff and volunteers (Korean and English), to provide support and advice. We aim to help our local Korean community to challenge mental health stigma.

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What is this service?

까치 프로젝트(Magpie Project)는 킹스턴에 계신 한인 공동체와 개개인 분들께 정신건강과 관련된 정보, 자문, 상담, 지원 서비스를 제공합니다. 이 프로젝트는 한국어와 영어가 가능한 직원과 자원 봉사자분들에 의해서 운영되고 있습니다.

The Magpie Project provides mental health information, advice, support and counselling to local Korean individuals and communities in the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames. Our team has bilingual (Korean and English) staff and volunteers who support people to feel more confident to use local mental health services and supporting organisations.

One to One ~ Information, Advice & Support

It can be difficult to know where to turn if you, or someone you know, is experiencing emotional or mental health problems. We offer confidential 1:1 support from our Korean Magpie Outreach Coordinator. Whether you are seeking help yourself, or need advice on how to get support for a friend or family member, contact us to have a private, non-judgmental conversation about ways we might be able to help.

Drop-in Cafés ~ New Malden

Safe, non-judgemental café every Monday from 6:30pm - 7:30pm for people who want to find out more about what mental health support is available locally. These are welcoming spaces for people to enjoy refreshments, connect with others and take part in wellbeing activities. At our drop-in sessions, there is the opportunity to have a private chat if needed.

Information about the café:

열린카페 at The Place

Open Cafe at The Place

5월9일 월요일 부터

From Monday 9th May

매주 6.30 pm – 8.30pm

Weekly 6.30 pm – 8.30pm

# 7부터 8시 사이에 대화나눔의 시간이 열립니다.

A time for conversation will be held between 7 and 8 o'clock.

# 예약없이 오셔도 되고 오시기 전에 연락처로 연락하셔도 좋습니다.

You can come without a reservation or contact us before coming.

# 가능한 시간대에 오셔서 자유롭게 방문하셔서 차한잔 하시고 가세요.

Come in whenever possible and visit us freely for a cup of tea.

# 프로젝트에 관해 더 알아보세요.

Learn more about the project.

# 정신건강과 관련해서 킹스턴 한인사회를 지원합니다

Support the Korean community in Kingston with regard to mental health.

Counselling Service

본 카운셀링 서비스는 영국에 거주하시는 만18세 이상 한국인 분들을 대상으로 제공되는 성인 심리 정서 지원 및 마음 건강 회복을 위한 상담 서비스입니다.   본 서비스는 한국인 카운셀러에 의해 진행되며 내담자분의 편의에 따라 한국어 혹은 영어로 상담이 가능합니다. 까치 프로젝트의 모든 상담 서비스는 Mind in Kingston 상담 서비스 감독 아래 진행되며 British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)의 상담 윤리 규정을 준수합니다.

Offers individuals free, one-to-one counselling with a bilingual, Korean-speaking counsellor; either remotely or in a safe environment. Our counselling service can provide support with a range of issues such as anxiety, stress, family or relationship issues, loneliness, low self-confidence and depression.

Referral Pathways  

To refer or self-refer directly and confidentiality to our Magpie Counselling Service,:

Email: [email protected], or call 07442850348 

Monday to Friday, 9 – 5pm.

To refer someone to our Magpie Drop-in Café, or for general wellbeing or mental health information: [email protected]  

Alternatively you can directly contact the Magpie staff team:   

Soyeon Park: [email protected] or 07501766276

Good to know


Siddeley House


Siddeley House
50 Canbury Park Road

Kingston upon Thames


Open in Google MapsGet directions on Google Maps


  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Accessible toilet

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