This confidential service delivered by Remploy is available to any employees with depression, anxiety, stress or other mental health issues affecting their work.
A local charitable organisation which promotes, represents and supports all arts for all ages.
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Kingston Arts supports a broad membership of creative and artistic groups and individuals such as choirs, artists, theatre companies, actors, writers, graphic illustrators, workshop leaders, musicians, motivational coaches, dancers and so on. Its activities include an annual Festival of the Voice, arts network meetings and Arts Salons. Kingston Arts also curates an art gallery, assists with finding rehearsal spaces, seeks funding for community-based artistic activities, and encourages collaborations with other organisations.
Kingston Arts is staffed by volunteers and is always looking for more people to get involved. Perhaps you can contribute in an artistic capacity, or maybe you would like to assist on event management (roles range from Front of House duties to marketing, setting up and taking down, running a bar etc)?
You can also support us by being an active audience member. There are SO many opportunities with Kingston Arts. We are a friendly and helpful organisation, promoting ARTS for ALL.
Wow! Event was pristine, superbly organised, relaxed, fun and I loved how everything flowed" - Nora, Festival of the Voice
This confidential service delivered by Remploy is available to any employees with depression, anxiety, stress or other mental health issues affecting their work.
Achieving for Children (AfC) supports children and young people from birth to 25 years old. We work on behalf of Kingston Council.
We offer individual and group support for adults affected by addiction and their carers and family members.