Communication support for people with Aphasia or Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) and their families.
Transition Town Kingston's Energy Group hold monthly meetings for people interested in sharing their knowledge and promoting energy efficiency in Kingston, occasional public events, and also offers advice on energy efficiency to householders.
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Transition Town Energy Group’s activities and outreach are oriented towards: home energy efficiency; decentralised energy solutions; education and community awareness-raising; making links with local businesses, Kingston University and other Transition initiatives. We hold regular working meetings and occasional talks and open meetings.
We can also offer advice on making your home more energy-efficient.
Anyone interested in furthering TTK’s energy projects and initiatives is welcome to get involved.
Communication support for people with Aphasia or Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) and their families.
A support group for mothers who are breastfeeding.
The Cambridge Road Estate is going to be rebuilt. Our new youth forum will be meeting monthly so that you can talk to other young people about your ideas for the new neighbourhood. Here you can learn new skills and make new friends, with trips out and plenty of pizza!