We offer sessions for older people to stay active and social.
Join us at Tolworth World of Dance to learn traditional dances set to ethnic music from around the world in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Along the way, you will have fun, meet new people, be challenged and get exercise.
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If you can walk, you can dance!
Session details:
We meet every Wednesday at 10:30-12:00
No partner required
Beginners are most welcome
First session is FREE
Highly competent and experienced leaders. Your dancing was a revelation to me, there’s a whole new world out there for my enjoyment!
St George's Church Hall
Hamilton Avenue
Open in Google MapsGet directions on Google Mapsclub
We offer sessions for older people to stay active and social.
This is a place for people with a learning disability to meet friends and make new ones. Different activities are offered each week by Fulham Foundation coaches and there is always time to chat with friends and have a coffee.
Join our Women's Recreational Football sessions. It is a great way to keep fit and enjoy yourself.