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English lessons

We provide 1:1 and small group English classes for speakers of other languages. Most of our lessons are delivered online.

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What is this service?

Our English lessons are free and delivered by trained volunteers. Most lessons are online and are either

  • one to one or

  • in small group classes.


We accept referrals from health and social care professionals, government and educational organisations, and other charities.

We are currently unable to accept referrals from family members or friends or self-referrals.

Referrals are prioritised according to need.

If you want to refer someone for English one to one or group support, please do so through our online referral form.


To be eligible, the individual needs to:

  • be a resident of either Kingston upon Thames, Richmond or Hounslow boroughs

  • have low level English language skills and need help to communicate their basic or everyday needs

  • cannot attend college adult education classes regularly for any of the following reasons

    • Additional social needs e.g. domestic violence or victims of trafficking.

    • A young child/children at home with additional needs e.g. a disability.

    • Physical or mental health problems.

    • Carers who cannot leave home because of their caring duties.

Clients who have pre-school aged children and no additional needs can be referred but will be a low priority and so may have to wait longer.

Whilst we make every effort to find a suitable tutor as soon as possible, there is usually a waiting list.

Where appropriate, we will refer people onto a further agency.

Good to know

What people say

Now I feel more confident when I see the doctor or meet parents in my children’s school. Thank you for your help.




Siddeley House
50 Canbury Park Road

Kingston upon Thames



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