Weighed down by debt? Looking for help with your financial troubles? Our trained debt counsellors will work out a realistic budget that prioritises your bills.
We can get your finances back on track. Get free debt advice online and we'll support you for as long as you need us. Call us or use our online tool to get tailored debt advice in around 20 minutes.
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Got money worries and not sure where to start?
The easiest way to get started is on the StepChange website. It's free and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Debt happens, let's deal with it together.
Alternatively, you can contact us on 0800 138 1111. Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm and Saturday 9am to 2pm.
If you’ve not used our service previously and are worried about your financial health, our full debt advice service is available online.
If you've been made redundant and want to find out about what to do and how to protect your finances, visit our Redundancy and Debt webpage.
What debt solutions are available?
Debt Remedy will give you advice based on your circumstances and recommend a solution. Common debt solutions include debt management plans (DMP), individual voluntary arrangements (IVA) and bankruptcy debt relief orders (DRO), but we'll recommend the one that's right for you.
How do you decide what debt solution is right for me?
Our advice is based on the following: If you can repay your debt in full over a reasonable period of time, we'll recommend a debt solution based on repayment over an insolvency solution. An insolvency solution may write off some or all of your debt, but it may also have a more detrimental impact on your chances of obtaining future credit.
We’ll advise you of your recommended solution, and also inform you of other solutions that are appropriate to your circumstances. This may include debt solutions that we cannot provide for you and where this is the case, we’ll inform you of other sources of information and help.
Weighed down by debt? Looking for help with your financial troubles? Our trained debt counsellors will work out a realistic budget that prioritises your bills.
We can help you manage your debts and draw up a budget to use with creditors.
The information on this page is for people who are worried about money, debts and financial pressures.