A support group for mothers who are breastfeeding.
If you're looking for some companionship or a little extra help around the house, we match you with a live-in homesharer.
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Two Generations match people who live alone and have a spare room, with younger people who can provide an overnight presence, companionship and some help with household chores. These include chores such as:
Food shopping
Pet sitting
Basic IT skills
Booking appointments
We’re part of the national organisation, Homeshare UK.
Are you currently caring for a family member or know someone who is and needs help ? Two Generations can provide much-needed relief to unpaid carers who often find themselves increasingly challenged to care for loved ones at home while juggling busy lives of their own. It is easy to apply via our website.
A support group for mothers who are breastfeeding.
We offer free drama workshops and recovery support to those affected by addiction, and give people affected by addiction a voice – enabling them to reach and recognise their potential, find an identity and build life skills and confidence in order to support recovery.
Would you like to deal with everyday stress better?