Dance West has pioneered high-quality dance programmes in London since 2015, offering a creative response to local and social issues, including poor health.
Our #Be OK 12 week programme is run through Elevate Life Hubs with up to 12 children in a group, focusing on creative wellbeing activities, strategies to help with anxiety, mindfulness, games and socialising whilst snacking. The programme improves young people's mental health and socialisation.
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If your child feels lost and isolated and is on a long waiting list for 121 therapy, we can help in the meantime in one of our groups. Our structured programme within a group environment helps them learn strategies to help themselves and make friends in the process. Having an experienced leader alongside the young people also helps them voice their struggles and realise that others feel the same - they are not alone after all! The club environment is a good transition into other clubs once they realise that they can cope with being with others and is also a good transition back into school, where they may have dropped out.
There are also optional activities to be done at home and the weekly framework helps them feel supported and in a place where they can begin to develop friendships. Once the 12 weeks have been completed other options are explored such as our follow on 'Common Room' or going together to a local youth club.
Each session includes creative wellbeing activities, mindfulness, strategies to support anxiety, games and eating together. We manage to find activities that they all enjoy.
Where it is wanted we also provide an environment where parents can support each-other as well.
She has had some form of socialising outside of her family and has even made a friend. Her mood has improved greatly and she has returned to school.
Dance West has pioneered high-quality dance programmes in London since 2015, offering a creative response to local and social issues, including poor health.
Achieving for Children (AfC) supports children and young people from birth to 25 years old. We work on behalf of Kingston Council.
Find out more about how we can help you access the support you need to live well.