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Childrens Hospice Care

We support local families, providing care for the whole family and offering a bespoke service to suit their needs. Our support is free of charge and includes a comprehensive range of therapies and support groups for the whole family, specialist nursing care and respite stays at our hospices.

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What is this service?

Family Support

As well as social work and support for young adults transitioning into adult hospice services, we provide an extensive range of counselling, therapies and groups and events for the whole family. Whether it’s a creative therapy for the child, counselling for a parent or a support group for a sibling or grandparent, our dedicated therapists and counsellors look after everyone. We also offer complementary therapy giving parents a much-needed opportunity to switch off from the stresses of life and take a moment to relax.


Caring for a life-limited child or young person is emotionally and physically exhausting, particularly at times of change or when a child is nearing the end of their life. That’s why we offer respite to families when they need it most.

Planned respite

Planned respite at the hospice can give families the opportunity to leave their child overnight in a safe environment where they will receive all the specialist care they need as well as lots of opportunities to socialise and have fun.

Families tell us that having a complete break gives them the opportunity to do things they wouldn’t normally be able to do, such as pop to the hairdressers, do some shopping or have a well deserved meal out with their partner. Some families may chose to stay at the hospice with their child, in one of the family flats, which allows them to enjoy family time together.

We provide respite to families based on the medical condition of the child or young person and on the urgent support needs of the family at the time.

Emergency respite

Occasionally, a family may require short notice support due to an unexpected situation that arises. This may include the child’s main carer being taken ill, deterioration of the child’s condition or a major facilities failure at home for a prolonged period.

At Shooting Star Children’s Hospices we pride ourselves on our flexible care and will always do our best to support a family in a crisis situation.

End-of-life care

Our core mission is to provide expert nursing and medical care, including the management of difficult symptoms, for children at end of life. Our symptom and community nurses work to ensure families receive support in their preferred place of care – whether that’s at home, at our hospice or in hospital.

Bereavement support

We have a dedicated area at each hospice where a child can lay at rest, allowing their family to say goodbye in a familiar and supportive environment. Care does not stop after a child has died. We will continue to provide practical and emotional support for the entire family.

Good to know

What people say

Having respite care has been superb, an absolute lifeline to us.

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