We are a friendly Anglican church in Hampton Wick serving the community on their journey of faith to find a home with real connection and community.
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Please contact the secretary to learn about upcoming events including inspirational devotionals, study circles and children's classes.
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We promote the following Baha'i principles:
The oneness of God, mankind and religion
The independent investigation and search for truth
The equality of women and men
Harmony of science and religion.
Elimination of the extremes of wealth and poverty
Abolition of all prejudices
Universal education for all
Universal peace
A universal auxiliary language
We are a friendly Anglican church in Hampton Wick serving the community on their journey of faith to find a home with real connection and community.
Christ Church is a lively church in Surbiton on the outskirts of London. We are a group of people from all walks of life who have one thing in common - we have begun to understand that Jesus Christ makes a massive difference to us and to our world today.
Our mission is to worship God, to grow as disciples, to love and care for all, and to reach out with the good news of Jesus Christ.