Do you hate waste?
Then contact Abundance, a locally run project aimed at harvesting and redistributing local gluts of food from gardens, allotments and street trees, thereby saving it from being thrown away.
We have harvested and repurposed many tons of this lovely, fresh, local, organic food. Please assist us to save even more.
You can help in a number of ways:
Volunteer for a couple of hours in the fresh air, helping to gather in the harvest. It is mainly fruit trees and all equipment is provided. It’s a fun way to meet new people from your area and get some of this precious harvest for yourself.
Notify us of trees you know which have fruit in danger of going to waste.
Offer to take fruit (mainly apples and pears) to use yourself or pass on to others who would appreciate it. Minimum 5kg.
Pass the word around – we can only harvest the trees we know about!
Help with making delicious fresh apple juice at local community events.
Even borrow our press and make your own juice, in your home, together as a street or on the allotment.
Contact us at: or phone 07749 633973 and help save local food waste