The Buddy Scheme is a befriending scheme in Kingston that matches volunteers with a "buddy" with a learning disability or on the Autistic Spectrum. The "buddy pair" then meets on a regular basis to take part in leisure activities together.
KVA works towards a Kingston where communities are active, strong and connected. We support local voluntary and community sector groups to develop their skills, build their resources and amplify their voice.
The Buddy Scheme is a befriending scheme in Kingston that matches volunteers with a "buddy" with a learning disability or on the Autistic Spectrum. The "buddy pair" then meets on a regular basis to take part in leisure activities together.
Come Rhyme with us’ is a new programme of FREE poetry writing sessions with multi award winner poet Michael Groce.
A free weekly social football session for men aged 18+ that brings together the community through football.
We support vulnerable adults who feel socially isolated, often due to mental health or learning disabilities. Through our many workshops and activities, we aim to help people build confidence, develop new skills and develop independence.
The Larch club is a weekly club meeting for adults with autism (without a learning disability) to offer a safe and comfortable space to be and meet friends.
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