EnhanceAble Living provides support to people with disabilities in their own homes and in the community.
The Mulberry Centre is a cancer support service. Whether you are facing a diagnosis, supporting a loved one, or have been bereaved by cancer, we are here for you.
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What we offer:
Information and support and a well-stocked library to find informative books and leaflets on a range of topics.
Workshops on a range of subjects such as stress management, body image and nutrition as well as craft sessions and walking groups.
Support groups for patients, carers, bereaved, men and young women with breast cancer.
Counsellors who can help you talk freely about your worries. We offer one-to-one, couples or group therapies.
A wide range of therapies, such as aromatherapy, massage, Tai Chi, yoga and more.
Welfare and benefits information to help you cope with financial difficulties.
All of our services are free and we have no age or postcode boundaries.
The Centre itself is like an oasis, calm and peaceful but still there is laughter
West Middlesex University Hospital
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EnhanceAble Living provides support to people with disabilities in their own homes and in the community.
Compassionate Neighbours are trained volunteers offering friendship, a listening ear, & regular emotional and social support to those who are socially isolated due to old age, or their own or a loved-one’s life-limiting illness. We support those who care for a relative, before and after death.
We provide 1:1 bereavement counselling and bereavement support groups for adults, children and young people. Most of our bereavement counselling takes place face to face but some online appointments can be made available.