Who is this for?
- Mental health
What is this service?
We offer a range of services to support you.
1:1 Support:
BWW Mind have access to a live Surveillance Hub where Police input information about suspected suicides.
Our support staff make contact with the bereaved family within 72 hours.
We offer emotional and practical support and guidance.
We understand that it's a difficult time and can help you to navigate difficult conversations and/or decisions.
Support can be accessed before and after Funerals and Inquests.
Peer Support Groups:
Our online group takes place fortnightly on a Wednesday at 14:00.
Our face-to- face group takes place every 8 weeks on a Tuesday at 18:00 at 23 Monck Street, London, SW1P 2AE.
- If your situation falls outside our specialism, we can assist you to find the support you need from other organisations.
Good to know
- Cost: Free