Fitness classes in parks for all abilities and age groups
Fun, free and friendly, the Social Run Group or SRG for short is a weekly 5K that is perfect for runners of all abilities. It is a great place to begin running or share some time running together.
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What we offer:
Our runs always have a run leader and a back runner, so everyone runs together.
All runs are at a steady pace that is suitable for runners of all abilities, making it the perfect way to start running.
How to register:
To register, please just visit your local Up & Running store and speak to one of our team members. They will help you complete our new registration form and give you your new SRG card which you will need to bring each week.
Before every run you will need to scan in with your card so we can keep an eye on numbers and keep track of your total amount of runs with SRG!
Fitness classes in parks for all abilities and age groups
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