Achieving for Children (AfC) supports children and young people from birth to 25 years old. We work on behalf of Kingston Council.
We are able to offer a number of young people (12 to 18 year olds) the opportunity to participate in an Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Programme (please see attached) run by Prof Andreas Liefooghe, Founder and Director of Operation Centaur, in the heart of Royal Richmond Park.
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Prof Andreas Liefooghe is a registered Psychologist and Psychotherapist who delivers Equine Assisted Psychotherapy to a full range of client groups, and is assisted by a team of psychotherapists and horse experts.
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy consists of working in partnership with horses, through conservation, heritage, wellbeing and community projects.
The young people referred to the programme would need to meet the following criteria:
Between 12 and 18 years old
Available for the full 8 week programme, commencing Friday mornings (9am to 11am) 4th November 2022 for 8 consecutive weeks (Nov 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, Dec 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd - tbc)
Able to get to and from (whether travelling alone and/or be escorted/accompanied) from Richmond Park (we plan to meet at the main gates at 08.30am and walk the 20-30mins to/from the stables together)
Arrive in suitable footwear and clothing for outdoor activity
Interested in learning about other ways that Richmond Mind support Children and Young People following the programme
Places are being offered on a first come first served basis (subject to meeting the above criteria).
Please contact [email protected] for further information.
Achieving for Children (AfC) supports children and young people from birth to 25 years old. We work on behalf of Kingston Council.
Creative Youth is a not for profit, registered charity that aims to enable young people to realise their potential through the Arts.
South Side Theatre Academy (SSTA) is a theatre company for children. We offer theatre classes, holiday projects, LAMDA classes, productions, West End Masterclasses and Schools and Youth Club workshops.