Communication support for people with Aphasia or Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) and their families.
We are open on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays 6-10pm and Saturdays 2-10pm for face to face support. We have a booking system in place. If you need to get in touch with us to book your visiting slot, please email [email protected] or call 020 3137 9755.
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If you need to get in touch with us please email [email protected] or call 020 3137 9755.
Journey Recovery Hub provides out-of-hours support to those living with mental health problems, aiming to prevent escalation, reduce isolation, increase independence and self-management and improve wellbeing.
The main aim is to support people to reduce immediate crisis and to safety plan for them; drawing on strengths, resilience, and coping mechanisms.
Acceptance criteria
Adult (18+ years old) residents of Richmond and Kingston who perceive themselves to be in mental health crisis, or at risk of moving into mental health crisis. The service is open primarily to residents of Richmond and Kingston. Residents of Merton, Sutton, and Wandsworth will also be welcomed, but may prefer to visit the cafes closer to them (see below).
Exclusion criteria
• Children or adolescents
• People exhibiting violent or aggressive behaviour
• People under the influence of drugs/ alcohol
• Adults with Dementia
• Non- residents of Richmond, Kingston, Merton,
Sutton and Wandsworth. This will not mean a refusal of entry but will mean offering of brief support and signposting back to appropriate local services.
Kingston hub:
Alfriston Centre, 3 Berrylands Road, KT5 8RB
Mondays 6-10pm
Tuesdays 6-10pm
Wednesdays 6-10pm
Fridays 6-10pm
Saturdays 2-10pm
Book your visiting slot now.
This service saved my life!
Communication support for people with Aphasia or Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) and their families.
We provide care and support to people in their own home
Our holistic support programmes enable escaped North Korean people to overcome the many barriers that prevent them from building new lives after their escape from the oppressive North Korean regime.