FUEL stands for Feed Ur Everyday Lives and is something which Achieving for Children helps to run so that young people (aged 5-16) can come to free clubs in the school holidays. Children will also be able to learn more about healthy food and have a nice hot lunchtime meal.
Get involved in sports and activities with free food also available
Takes place over the Easter, summer and winter school holidays
Receiving benefit-related free school meals
Accessing Pupil Premium
Being supported by AfC Early Help or Social Care teams
Have an EHCP
Are a young carer
Are the sibling of a child who is accessing benefit-related free school meals
Good to know
Cost: Free
Keeping updated: FUEL clubs run over the Easter, Summer and Winter holidays, we do not run clubs over half term holidays.
You can [check in on our website to keep up to date on when sign up opens](https://kr.afcinfo.org.uk/pages/community-information/information-and-advice/fuel-holiday-activities-and-food-programme).
We support families in the boroughs of Richmond, Kingston and Hounslow with at least one child under the age of five. We offer a range of support options to families including telephone support, 'walk and talk,' home-visiting and family play-and-support groups, both in-person and online.