What is this service?
At Princess Alice Hospice, we believe that bereavement support should be available for everyone, so we work in partnership with other organisations to provide bereavement support in the community.
Community Bereavement Cafés and Walk & Talks can be found in all parts of our care area, and drop-in sessions are open to all bereaved people, regardless of how and where their loved one died.
Bereavement Cafes
They not only offer a warm welcome, but, more importantly, a safe place to share experiences with other bereaved people and the volunteers that have had training from the Hospice.
Please see here for more details about our bereavement cafes.
Bereavement Walk & Talks
Join our volunteers for a gentle walk with other bereaved people. The walks last for around 1 hour and afterwards we encourage people to stay for a cuppa and a chat in the cafe.
Walks take place in the following locations:
1st Thursday - Bushy Park
2nd Wednesday - Richmond park
3rd Wednesday - Painshill
4th Thursday Claremont Landscape Gardens.
The walks are free to join but places are limited. please email [email protected] for more details, and to reserve your space.
Bereavement support library
When a friend or family member dies, you may not feel ready to talk to anyone about what you’re feeling. Reading about death and grief, whether real or fictional, can help people make better sense of grief and bereavement.
The Hospice Library has a loanable collection about bereavement. You’ll need to join the Library and complete a Library induction before borrowing resources.
Email [email protected] to book an appointment.
Good to know
- Cost: Free
What people say
It’s important to meet people in the same boat.